Sweetland By Michael Crummey
ISBN: 0385663161 | Published August 19th 2014 by Doubleday Canada |

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About Book

For twelve generations, when the fish were plentiful and when they all-but disappeared, the inhabitants of this remote island in Newfoundland have lived and died together. Now, in the second decade of the 21st century, they are facing resettlement, and each has been offered a generous compensation package to leave. But the money is offered with a proviso: everyone has to go; the government won't be responsible for one crazy coot who chooses to stay alone on an island.
That coot is Moses Sweetland. Motivated in part by a sense of history and belonging, haunted by memories of the short and lonely time he spent away from his home as a younger man, and concerned that his somewhat eccentric great-nephew will will wilt on the mainland, Moses refuses to leave. But in the face of determined, sometimes violent, opposition from his family and his friends, Sweetland is eventually swayed to sign on to the government's plan. Then a tragic accident prompts him to fake his own death and stay on the deserted island. As he manages a desperately diminishing food supply, and battles against the ravages of weather, Sweetland finds himself in the company of the vibrant ghosts of the former islanders, whose porch lights still seem to turn on at night.

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Sweetland: A Novel [Kindle Edition] Michael Crummey (Author) 4.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (47 customer reviews) Digital List Price: ... Audible Download Audio ... Download Sweetland audiobook by Michael Crummey at Downpour Audio Books - The scarcely populated town of Sweetland rests on the shore of a remote Canadian island. Its ... This author Michael Crummey does know his arse from a dory — unlike the hapless Toronto journalist writing about the “authentic Newfoundland” and disparaged by ... Michael Crummey - Born in Buchans, Newfoundland, Crummey grew up there and in Wabush, Labrador, where he moved with his family in the late 1970s. Download Sweetland audiobook by Michael Crummey, ... Join Audible and get Sweetland free from the Audible online audio book store. ... By Michael Crummey; Listen to Sweetland audiobook by Michael Crummey. Stream and download audiobooks to your computer, tablet or mobile phone. Bestsellers and latest releases. try any ... Vballchika Thank you so much for posting this, worked great! Apr 5th, 2015: willymcGEE Worked great, very fast download indeed. Maxed out my 1.8mb/s download speed. Promotional Results For You AdTu

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